Innovate Without
Finding The Perfect Solution
For You.

Firmware & Software Solutions
Embedded Systems Firmware
Robotic GUI Interface Design
Microcontroller Interfaces
ROS Integration Between High/Low Level Code

Robotics R & D
Quadrupedal Robot Sub-Systems
Micro, Medium & Large UAV's
Underwater Vehicles
Autonomous Payload Deployment Mechanisms
Autonomous UGV's
High Performance Actuators

Mechanical Solutions
Complex Mechanisms
Automation For Manufacturing
Packaging & Enclosure Designs
Robotic End Effectors
Mechatronics Assembly & Design
Project Planning
Manufacturing Support
Cost Estimation
Process Innovation

Reliable. Robust. Rapid.
At Redara Labs, robotics is the focal point of our business. Our team is highly motivated and driven to solve complex problems from autonomous system to commercial products. With this multi faceted team of engineers and technicians, we are able to produce robust solutions quickly.
We also offer a variety of manufacturing services for our clients. Our facilities offer Cable Harness Fabrication, Waterjet Cutting, CNC machining, FDM, SLA and SLS 3D printing, and PCB assembly.